
Keeping Your Business and Home Clean

Do Your Carpets Smell Like Pet Urine?

A fresh and clean home is a sign of a well-kept household. But if your carpets smell like pet urine, it can be a sign that there are a few more things you should be doing to clean up after your pets. 

Pet urine is one of the most common causes of carpet odors. When pets urinate on carpets, the urine soaks into the fibers and can be difficult to remove. If not cleaned properly, the urine will continue to cause odors. Here's what you need to know about cleaning these odors.

Clean Up Pet Urine ASAP

There are several things you can do to get rid of pet urine odors from your carpets. First, make sure you clean up any accidents immediately. Blot the area with a paper towel to absorb as much urine as possible. You can use water to remove feces and puddles, but you'll also need something stronger to fight smells.

Invest in Enzymatic Cleaning Supplies

Enzymatic cleaners are a good option because they break down the urine and eliminate the odor. Be sure to follow the directions on the cleaner to make sure you're using it correctly. You may need to apply the cleaner more than once to fully remove the odor.

If you do not use an enzymatic cleaning solution, it's possible that the pet could continue to use the bathroom in the same spot because the smell keeps coming back. Enzymatic cleaners are great for reducing even the slightest smells that might attract pets to continue using the same carpet spot as a bathroom.

Mix Your Own Cleaner With Vinegar

You can also try making your own cleaning solution by mixing one part white vinegar with two parts water. Apply this solution to the affected area and let it sit for several minutes before blotting it up with a paper towel. The vinegar will help deter pets from wanting to use the carpets as a potty again in the future.

Get Professional Carpet Cleaning

If you have pet urine odors that just won't go away, it's time to call in the professionals. A professional carpet cleaning company will have the tools and knowledge necessary to remove even the most stubborn pet urine smells.

Carpet odors can be a nuisance, but they don't have to be permanent. With a little effort, you can get rid of pet urine odors and keep your carpets fresh–even with indoor animals. Contact a carpet cleaning company, such as Master Carpet Care, to start the process.

About Me

Keeping Your Business and Home Clean

Whether you're a busy homeowner or a thriving business owner, keeping your home or business clean is essential. I recently started my own business. My office isn't very large, but it can become quite messy throughout the day. As a new business owner, I want my office to reflect who I am and what I offer clients. But when dust covers my desks or paper litters my floors, I don't feel as confident about my company as I should. I decided to take action and hire a cleaning service. The company comes in during the early mornings and late evenings. My office now looks clean and professional. My blog offers tips on how to keep your office or home presentable. You also learn about the benefits of having a clean office or home. Thanks for visiting.


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